visit for Design Tips & Do It Yourself Interiors
Looking back at old design trends is like looking at old photographs “Why did I wear those tacky glasses, the heavy hairdo and the painfully uncool dress?” you find yourself saying!
Just like you keep working on your self, even an interior is an organic space which has to be worked upon, and you have to keep tweaking it, re looking at it, working at sprucing it up to change with your changing needs, the changing times and growing choices that replace obsolete decor.

Trends change, perceptions change, even living styles metamorphasize according to environment.

I design homes , airports, offices and restaurants, and am a specialist in quick make overs of a home, which entails short quick re-vamps without going into breaking and major re-modelling. This is my forte and i do this 'image makeover ' for homes extensively today in an age where people are not keen or do not have the time to do complete remodeling.